
Write your own fortune!

@A_Dragon_Riding_King said in #1:
> I give you a fortune cookie, you manage to slip the piece of paper out of it without breaking it, for if you break the cookie to get to it, it won't come true. But alas! The paper is blank. You grab a pen to write your own. What do you write? What fortune do you bring upon yourself?

I will write: you will have all the happiness imaginable, live happily. and I will make lots of other cakes and paper (I have baking skills) and I will give these to random people
The real capital that can be registered in our name is the capital that I have given to charitable purposes and to the poor because all the other capital that we have can be lost in an instant and if so my capital amounts to thousands of shekels that I have already given and God will help me to give more and more
@twighead said in #25:
> Hopefully you get over it by the time you turn 12
Look at your age goblin of 69 years
Bighole goblet playing chess then
Will die and say 696969
@VivaanOza said in #27:
> Look at your age goblin of 69 years
> Bighole goblet playing chess then
> Will die and say 696969
Good one, usually I'm the one spouting complete nonsense

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