
Share your embarrasing moments.

I would shit in my pants and sit in the first row to get a pass from teacher to go smoke..
The most embarrassing thing I've ever done is......
When I was 10 years old....
Me in the school-
Me : On the last desk of the classroom eating snacks when teacher was teaching...
(My friends looks at me )
Friend: I'm gonna tell this to teacher after she explains this...
Me : Hey wait....You know what I'm eating...Your favorite snacks...Do you want some ? Or I'll alone have them...Also I saw
when you broke the teacher's glasses and kept it under the table to ensure that no one see them...
Friend : Nooo...Who's saying that I'm telling teacher that you're eating snacks ?? You can have them..But just give me
some..Please. Don't tell this to teacher that I broke her glasses I can do anything for you...I'll keep it a secret only!
Me: Alright, Thanks.!

Edit : It was my first and the last time doing this XD
@dOnYa1386, if I were a tree, I'd see common people, as worms.
I hope that you understand my perspective.
Anyway, humans are attractive.
What they can't explain to themselves, sometimes, is why ?

I mean: " Why am I the project of a diamond ? "

Why am I the project of a thinker of Rodin ?
Why am I the project of a David, by Michael Angelo ?
Why am I the project of a Birth of Venus, by Raphael Sanzio ?
Why am I only at the beginning, of true life, which is there, within spirits ?

And the answer is:

<< Because you sculpt and paint, every time you play chess, and win. >>

Therefore, we are what we do.
Because to be, is to do.
According to Socrates.
If we were architects, we'd become buildings.
If we were musicians, we'd become songs.

I am a cook, so I allow myself, to become food.
@Golismeando-manchego ah,no. I did not understand anything, maybe the final part and also I did not understand anything at all about the main reason.You complicate things, and most of us do not understand the meaning of what you want to say, and yes, I could not understand almost anything
i thought that in us people have 120 percent maximum battery as there is a speed limit of 120kmph

Sorry ! The Birth of Venus was painted by Sandro Boticelly.
@dOnYa1386, but it's more exciting, that way !
You know ?
Asking questions is natural, through the path of Evolution.

If everything was already clear, for everyone, then... Not even a phone-call would be necessary !

<< See you next year ! Marry Christmas, beforehand ! >>

---> The same to you, although we are on June, the 10th, today ! <---

( One hour later... )

---> He said Marry Christmas. What does it mean ? <---
O. K., then... Here you are:

a ) Basketball is very easy, at first sight.
b ) But then, there are different levels, if we consider basketball, as a profession.
c ) Because every profession is an aristocracy ( according to José Ortega y Gasset, which was a spanish philosopher ).


1===> If every job is an aristocracy, there are different levels, for chess, too !
2===> For comic drawing and painting...
3===> For Music, which includes several styles.
4===> But the true magic wand, is there within the mind of the child.

José Ortega y Gasset, once again.

We come to the following conclusion:

··· A synthesis is worth ten analysis. ···

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