
Suggestion: Random Mode

My suggestion is for a mode called "Random Mode" or "Random Position Chess" where you seek a game with a time control of your choice as part of standard chess, and you check a box for random mode. Once you get a game, your opponent and you will be transported into a random position from the lichess opening position book. This could be french advanced for example, or the King's Indian attack. You just don't know which position - it is randomed. It will be one of the positions from the opening book, which you can also create a tournament with on Lichess.

This is obviously a little bit like Chess960, except all the positions are from standard chess; balanced and from the opening book. The aim of the mode is to get players to try different positions, challenge themselves with something out of their comfort zone and encourage new styles and position for all players.

It's basically a form of variant except it's standard chess.

Sort of like the Caro-Kahn tournament that’s going on right now. I think it’s a good idea.
This would be great for low rated players like myself who are in the process of studying book openings, what a great idea mate.
This is an unbelievably good idea. I'd enjoy being forced into trying multiple positions out of openings because I'd like to find out which openings suit me best without having to manually go through each one.
It seems to be a good idea yeah.

You already have thematics tournaments to play forced openings. All the games start at a specific move of one specific opening.

An example here :
Very interesting idea.

This way you could choose to practice fighting the Sicilian, playing with the French, combating the Italian, etc. Starting from random openings would also be helpful, but I think we should also be able to choose...

If you're ready to combat any opening just play a random opponent, and if you want a specific one, use from position. Random opening? Well, that's a risk to accept or create the challenge as you don't know what you're facing.
Yeah I think being able to choose which opening you start at and/or having it always random the opening position could be considered in this mode.

I understand that randoming a position is risky for the player because what if I don't know it? what if my opponent does? etc. And ultimately that is an uneven playing ground, because you could lose straight away if you don't know it and they do. But the purpose of the mode IS to put you out of your comfort zone and test your metal under openings that you may not have played before. It will force people to consider the position as it is, try to understand it, and play logically. That way, people will learn the theory and techniques for specific opening structures, AND learn the techniques and theories which can be applied across all openings. So they will build their opening map and improve their general skills at the same time.

Plus at the beginner and intermediate level, players tend to play the same openings all the time, so it is to avoid this from yourself and your opponent.

In the end I think its another opening tool to increase a player's versatility, technique and skills and put them under a bit of pressure in a new situation so they have to play differently. Much like the other variants which improve tactical play, this will improve opening repertoire and technique.

So much of what I see of online chess is just habit. A lot of people play the same openings day in and day out, month in month out, and I don't think those people are learning a lot from that. This tool would force people to learn, if they want, something new and try stuff they haven't before. But of course you don't have to play it. But the mode could be fun and something new; and if you have a good rating or record for random mode, it shows you are a more versatile players than other people.

Anyway, I think the discussion about the tool is really cool, and I like that some people like it and I hope it gets implemented!


My hats off to you!

My only hic-cup is the name of the mode, "Random Mode" doesn't give it justice, as I hope that what ever designation the admins choose to give this mode would be a little more, I don't the point, perhaps, "Book Mode" or "Chance Mode"

Another thing......I'm a little surprised that most of the ideas are coming from regular titleless players and not from the more established players from this website, why is this?

Again, my hats off to you mate, I really hope they add this mode into the mix

- Free for All mode
- Mix mode
- PUG mode (Pick Up Game mode)

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