
Diagonal Chess Board - Bug

Happened during a critical position =( I lost a bullet game ... oh well :D

Please fix whenever possible.

I guess this is a well known bug, happened to see that on stream many times. Would be surprised if the staff isn't trying to figure it out already. (watching your CS:GO video in the meanwhile buddy)
hehe , sorry but this image makes me laughing hehe , drunked game eh ?
Isn't this an anti-cheating system that Lichess has implemented? I think it only happens when you play a bunch of perfect Stockfish moves in a row in a very short timespan (hence only happening with bullet+you).

Could be wrong, but I thought I saw that somewhere.
#6 I happened to see that on NM ChessNetwork videos. But you're probably right, now I can explain why this happens to him once in a while and never happened to me, you know.
#6, #7, it's not Stockfish moves. Lichess only runs analysis at the end of games.

Board slanting happens when you play at a superhuman speed, and moreover, hold pieces in the air a lot, i.e. have clear intention. It's an anti-botting measure, more specifically, to fight against automated chess-playing bots.

Never in our wildest dreams did we think it would happen to human players. The heuristic should definitely be adjusted.
When I played some games today, several of my pieces and opponent's were INVINSIBLE. I could not tell what was wrong, the bug or my computer
#9 that is most definitely a bug. I believe it is common on older versions of Safari. To be clear, no version of Safari is not officially supported, the only supported browsers are whatever the latest stable versions of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are.

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