
What jobs can and will Ai replace?

Can AI's fudge our financial numbers? Maybe we should go back to the old way of counting our pennies. Where did I hide my piggy bank?
@Toscani said in #9:
> I hope AI's will first fix the bias hiring and firing of human jobs, so that it becomes fair play for everyone.

People aren't hired on 100% work related criteria alone.
People aren't fired on 100% work related criteria alone.
Grandfathering people in, when circumstances change and they can't adapt is sometimes a reason, but other times its not.

In reality, a workplace is competitive, even from within, rather than an ideal dream team of friends working on the same project together. Also, even with AI doing the hiring and firing; the criteria used will be somewhat based on unfair Human criteria (which can also be progammed into the AI, giving it a bias), rather than productivity, accepting payment, distribution of goods/services, as well as business maintaince and other necessary functions. Workplace politics, as well as pointing the finger at others for their observable lack of performance will still exist, I think. When people's bread + butter is on the line, people will defend their job security, even at the popular or unpopular cost of others, in some instances, where AI can't defend them. It's not always help wanted and appreciated, and we'll work around you facilating a schedule around your life, but rather if you can't help when it truly matters according to other employees, sometimes, people can be percieved as doing less work, and deemed less valuable because of another employee's schedule, even if store hours haven't changed. The use of AI should make it more fair, except there will always be exceptions in the AIs calculation of who gets laid off. Some people will almost always be exempt from lay offs, like the CEO.
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