
New players should have a trial period of inidvidual games (no major tournament entrry allowed)

yeah absolutely 100% agree, this should lower the number of cheaters in major tournaments quite a bit. It's just too easy right now for a troll to create an account and ruin a major tournament for everyone else.

That 50 rated game requirement seems good
dandan2026 : If someone wants to join a streamers tournament then fine - that can be part of the 50 game run in period. However 'important tournaments' need to be protected and increasingly so as more members are on the site each year.
After I read #8 I want to add that I is just a useful idea for the "official" lichess tournaments. Maybe even only for daily, weekly and monthly tournaments.
Dan, I do appreciate your comment. As far as I'm concerned, this great place would survive without any hickups in case a "trial period" would be implemented. One can argue about numbers (10, 20 etc. games). In my humble view even a low number of games would do the trick - and this place would surely benefit. Cheers.
Voted yes. I think this should be done if it is really going to mean less cheaters.
But you have to find the right balance between not discouraging new players and making them quit the site and having a long enough trial period.
50 games seems to be fine
Behind the scenes tournaments can be assigned importance levels for 'protection' and these levels could imply the number of individual games needed. So you could have guest newcomer tournaments with importance level low which would mean no min number of individual games needed. But daily and weekly tourneys can be set to higher importance - and as a result higher defence 'shields' put up.
Kingscrusher, what do you consider an 'important tournament'? On your stream you play the daily, weekly, and monthly tournaments most days, if a viewer wants to join those tournaments then that is the same scenario as I mentioned earlier, just a different tournament. Honestly, I think this just makes for a poor user experience and will stunt the growth of lichess. If it is implemented, which I don't think it will be, then so be it. I think the thousands of people that aren't cheaters are more important than the few that do. What it comes down to is which makes for a worse experience, playing against a cheater or having to play 50 games before playing in a tournament and even then there still being a possibility of cheaters.
Im not opposed to this idea, but someone could just fail the "trial games" and then employ engines later. Right? If i were trying to cheat, and enter a tournament, and lichess implemented this system, I'd do that.

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