
List of issues with tactic training

1. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to when you will get a "good move but you can do better" or outright fail.

2. Would be nice to have analysis board option available in the app for phones/tablets. Very aggravating to be wrong and not even able to explore lines.

3. Able to comment/discuss like on chesstempo.

Thanks for listening.
For example on Puzzle 4837 I failed for finding a mate in 6 instead of mate in 4 after getting first move correct. Very aggravating
I really enjoy that all the tactics here are from actual member games but the super sharp line between perfect move or a mate two moves down the line or mate vs a queen really annoys me. Those situations should give another chance to find perfect move.
Mate vs a queen up meant to say. You shouldn't fail a puzzle where you end up +12 after your "2nd best" move.
Again, I want to say I think is an amazing site but I'd love to get some responses to my feedback on the tactics trainer. It could use to be improved & I keep leaving it alone after frustrating puzzles where a +2.5 moves fails to a +3.3 move, very aggravating.
I agree that the tactics on this site could be better. Looking at chesstempo, taking the good things from it and implementing them on lichess would get lichess so many donations, you guys could buy an island.
It's being worked on. Don't expect anything for a few months though.

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