
Days without bughouse on lichess

@Dieblauesau When lichess adds a new variant, it's not just all the current process that have to be created for it, it also means that any new features they add for the site need to be able to support it, and that means ui changes for how things are arranged, to the actual logic of processing moves.
For a variant like bughouse, with the double boards, it's even harder.

So based on the fact that variants currently make up almost exactly 1% of the total games played on lichess, the lichess devs don't consider the dev-time/site-user-benefit payoff to be worth it for aedding bughouse. This is something I disagree with, since I would argue that bughouse is THE most popular variant, it being a known 'end of tournament' party game, and the fact that I know many irl ppl who have told me they've chosen > lichess because of bughouse.

The point of this thread is to raise awareness of the cause, in case lichess ever decide to ask the community if they want bughouse, so they know there is a movement for it, and to maybe encourage more popular support for it. I'm pretty sure the view count for this thread is among the highest ever for lichess threads, though I wish there was an easy way to find out.

What we're pushing for are trial sites like to be created which allow lichess to see just how popular the game is, but the problem is no one will play on the site unless it's well-developed, and it's not well-developed unless someone good, like a lichess dev, works on it.
to be fair, neravan did an amazing job with bughousetest

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