
Can I Conceal my Lichess Account for a period of time? (Hide all information)

I am participating in a big tournament.. I dont want to give my opponents any information about my repertoire,. And in Lichess, information gathering has been made very easy! So could there be a system or a function where All the information about the player is concealed until enabled again?

I am sure, this would benefit many players.
@Gravija said in #3:
> @Escileus
> You can close your account, then open it again later.

I dont want my history/data to get lost though.
I dont think it will get close
Still it's better to ask mod
@Escileus said in #4:
> I dont want my history/data to get lost though.
None of your data gets lost except you would have left all your teams
Even if you close your account all your games can be accessed by using a service like opening tree dot com. So don't worry about it too much. I'd use the online account to play all kinds of crazy stupid stuff to make your opponents think you're just a lunatic who can't really play too well ;)
@TomasThrainsson Yeahh True... Haha, This is actually a very good idea! Just play whatever and confuse the issue! Is better for the chess progress in the long term also to try different stuff and ideas for sure! Thanks!
But what if you have already played properly on one account and everybody knows your openings and then if you try to fake it people will understand what you are trying to do, as @TomasThrainsson said there are still many ways to access those games
One thing you could do is to improve your tactics and just prepare for openings better. I mean you know they know your openings so just reinforce them. Hope this helps! ;)
The trick is to have so many games in all kinds of openings, both your natural choices AND the wild a wacky ones. If the numbers get close enough together, especially with win rates similar, then it's going to super hard to predict what the hell you want to come up with.

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