
Suggestion: King chess (gamemode suggestion)

Gamerules are fairly similar, the only difference is that the king enherits all possible moves from all alive (ally) pieces. Sounds simple right?

From a couple of games I've found a couple of strategic basics
- keep the king in the middle, behind pawns. Being too agressive results in annoying checks allowing the opponent to develop
- checkmate in the opening phase is very unlikely but can happen if you play way too agressively
- you should always attempt to retain one knight, one bishop, one rook. Sacrificing material to downgrade your opponent's king is certainly worth it, as it allows you to check the opposing king with your king
- checkmate is possible with only 1 of any piece (except pawn)
#1 Sorry we are not accepting variants at this time; in fact Multi-Variant Stockfish 13 (both releases: NNUE and non-NNUE) is now a BETA release for which new bugs are being discovered every day despite development being halted:
This variant looks pretty interesting, if you manage to code it, hit me up to play some rounds :^)
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