
Bug: Moves played within Threat confuses white/black notation in scorecard

Bug: Moves played within Threat confuses white/black notation in scorecard

I was analyzing after a puzzle when I noticed a bug. Or a feature with a glitch. Null moves do not have a null placeholder, thus if white makes two moves in a row, the second one is annotated as if it were black's move.

How do you make a null move? Apparently click on the analysis lines after your click the threat button in analysis.

That's it, just after the invisible null move, the continued score notation is off by one. White's extra move will be prefaced by the three dot ellipses reserved for black moves, and would be shown in the black column for tablature layout. Black's next move is represented as White's, etc.
Lichess currently does not support null moves. Show threat shows an evaluation from a flipped perspective, but it does not make a null move.
@user370417 said in #2:
> Lichess currently does not support null moves. Show threat shows an evaluation from a flipped perspective, but it does not make a null move.

Sounds like you disagree that it functions how I stated, yet that is how it functions. Have you played around with it much? I did record a video, but I thought it wasted more time than it was worth (as I was only then discovering the issue and only understood after a few minutes). That would show me clicking through the scoresheet with white make two moves in a row in two different spots of the score sheet. Do you think it would help demonstrate the demonstrable error? My response, here, is already taking more time than I care to spend. Would sharing the video help eliminate further sematics arguments so we may go about our lives?

Let's define "it".

If "it does not make a null move", then the "it" I'm talking about can just be called "showing a browse-able score where each player can make more than one move in a row." That seems wordy though.

I'm frustrated by your response because I wasn't posting about null moves. I was posting about what appears would be null moves if done only slightly better. If it's not supported, implying that it won't be improved, then it should be probably be removed, because the apparent errors appear to be errors (for any tautology fans).

Edit: Whites move to capture on e5 should never be displayed as 20...fxe5. mkay?
I think there has been some confusion here.

The main issue is that clicking on a threat PV actually makes the move. This shouldn't happen and is a bug. The UI even changes to indicate that it's not possible to click the PV but it still works. This is probably a regression.

And because Lichess doesn't currently support null moves it shows up weirdly like this.
@eRogue said in #3:
> I'm frustrated by your response because I wasn't posting about null moves. I was posting about what appears would be null moves if done only slightly better. If it's not supported, implying that it won't be improved, then it should be probably be removed, because the apparent errors appear to be errors (for any tautology fans).
I misunderstood what you were saying, sorry. I let my assumptions get the better of me.

Looking at your initial post again, it does a good job of explaining what's going on. I'll get to fixing it now.

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