
Game Review

I love the LIChess site! I used to play at and they have a "Game Review" that analyzes your previous game and makes suggestions that should improve your game.

I strongly prefer the LIChess site, but I would love to see us have something similar - even if I have to pay a premium for it.
There is a similar function, after analyzing serverside(?) called “Learn from your mistakes” You just press the button and it takes you through both sides’ mistakes, and asks you to find a better move. There is also the ‘Insights’ function (usually located on your profile), where Lichess analyzes some games, and generates data(e.g. avg cpl for rook moves, win percent with Sicilian Defense.
Hope this helped!
@pondpizza as #2 pointed out, this feature does already exist. Here are step-by-step instructions to use it:

1. When you finish a game, click the microscope icon to analyze the game.
2. Click "Request a computer analysis" below the board.
3. Click "Learn from your mistakes" below the move list.
And Lichess is @pondpizza said in #1:
> I strongly prefer the LIChess site, but I would love to see us have something similar - even if I have to pay a premium for it.
Lichess is free. There are no features or extensions you can get for money. Still we all are free to support them by becoming patrons (and wearing such a cool wing rather than just a dot in front of our user names).
And yes, as @Hung_The_Chessboy said: "Learn from your mistakes" might just be what you are looking for.
as @Hung_The_Chessboy said: "Learn from your mistakes" might just be what you are looking for. It is, we should publicize it and make the buttons closer to the top. (they do not show in some cases).

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