
bug during a move

In the middle of the game, lichess board stopped recognising my moves after 17 moves in the game.
It stopped recognising touch on the board while the other functions in the application was working fine, I lost the game due to this issue. Please resolve it.
I am noticing a lot of games, where I play a move on the board, the piece moves as intended, the sound of the move occurs, but the move does not register on the list of algebraic moves, and my time continues to tick down, even though the move has already been played on the board.
Are we talking about making moves using a DGT board?
No, I am not using a DGT board. And I am pretty sure it is not an internet issue, I am using 5G and I have no issues with using any other website or app.

Somtimes, I have a lot of time on my clock, like more than 10 seconds in a bullet game, I play my move, but my time still continues to run.

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