
Stockfish too strong for beginners

Hello i thought Level 1 and level 2 Stockfish should be somehow beginner friendly so we practice some moves etc. But it is not at all. I played level 1 today , and more i play level 1 it is stronger with every match. And level 2 is for me unbeatable, i do blunder sure, but this level 2 is way too strong for beginners to even try. Here is my last game. Do you think Stockfish behaves like level 2 for beginner players??? I tried to play and watch really for undefended pieces but no way to win it.

sorry, but you are too weak, sf 1-5 levels are easy for 800-1200 with move cancel
Kubiknubika so you are saying that stockfish 1-5 is for 800-1200 rated players? Really? Some kind of joke? Your Classical rating is 1458 , so you should be able to beat stockfish 6 or 7 very easily in Classical game. But i Very Doubt that.
Ellement, it doesn't scale like that, but i maybe i could beat sf level 6
But the post was about Stockfish Level 2 for beginners is too hard, not about you beating Stockfish level 6. Thanks
But why the assumption that level 2 is still for beginners? Is it documented somewhere? Level 1 is friendly in my experience and while it's true it sometimes doesn't blunder much (or we don't know how take advantage of it), it also sometimes makes ridiculously bad moves you wouldn't expect even from a human newbie.
May someone be so kind and record a game with Stockfish level 2 and beating it. I would like to see and learn from it. But it has to be todays date. So i know there arent any changes in the engine, Thank you very much.
I played against level 2, says it's 1420. It played way better than I expected but then it made some terrible blunder. Same goes for many human players too, clean the blunders and 1500 might become 1900+.

The analysis of your game shows Black making some massive blunders.
Eg. 52. ...Re8??
-13 turns to +3.4. Black's huge advantage turns to White's winning advantage. I think it's easy to see that Black rook had to stay at c8, otherwise White can play Rd8 and get the promotion.

At 63. ...Rf8?? -33.3 centipawn advantage drops to zero = draw.

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