
Doing same puzzles all over again

When i go to mobile in the tactic trainer I have to do same puzzles I already solved on my pc. What can I do about this?

Or is it allowed to make an special mobile account?
is there someone who can help me with this?

PS: I'm not trying to be rude by replying to myself but I'm afraid that if it falls to page 3 no one will see it anymore
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I read the link you send and it isn't very clear. Most people use 2 accounts over there but that doesn't mean it is legal/ethical. So i am curious if Lichess has a problem with a second account just to use on my mobile phone.
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Does it change your rating? If not (while playing on mobile) that's a common bug, at least I'd call it that, reinstall the app and it should be fine.
Thanks for reacting the both of you. I will try to reinstall the app first and if that doesn't work than I will make another account for my mobile phone only.
I found that letting the app sync notifies lichess that you have already played those puzzles. Just go on tactics trainer in the app while your tablet/phone has internet and wait for a new puzzle to load.
can you explain yourself a bit more? my english isn't good enough to understand you.
I think you mean that after a while lichess loads a new puzzle for you, even though you dont move on the puzzle in front of you. Is this correct? Because this doesn't happen.
There is a bug in the (Android, at least) puzzle part of the app where the syncing between it and other devices and the web is utterly broken. The scores differ between devices, you get the same puzzles but no points; the history of how you arrived at your current score (at least, on that device) is broken; the graph of your score actually changes sometimes if you go back and look at it, etc. Unless you take your puzzle score seriously, it's probably not worth worrying about. Or you can clear the local data on your device, log in and set all your preferences (no, they're not stored anywhere) and this should give you your current actual score and leave you with a new puzzle. This bug has existed for years and doesn't like like it's getting fixed.

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