


Impossible to castling, it seems there is a bug.

Thank you.
Castling is completely fine for me... can you show a game where castling doesn't work? Thank you.
If you are playing chess 960, then to castle just move your king to your rook.
Aside from Chess960 mentioned above.

You can't castle if the king has moved.
You can't castle if the rook on the side you want to castle has moved.
You can't castle if you are in check or any squares that the king is going through are under attack.

Post a link to the game and we'll tell you which one it is.
But rest assured, billions of played games can confirm that there is no bug.
Also, double check your settings to see which method of castling you have selected on your profile. It may be either moving the King two squares toward the side to castle on, or it may be moving your King directly to the square currently occupied by the Rook. This cause me difficulty at least once; I thought I was unable to castle.

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