
Private Tournaments for Teams

Hello. I run a scholastic club and we use Lichess for our bi-weekly online tournaments. This evening we unfortunately had unwanted visitors get on our tournament page with inappropriate chat remarks and usernames.

I am trying to understand why non-team members are able to join my team only tournament and also use the chat. Is there a way to completely block out any non-team members so that the tournament is not even visible to other Lichess members?
I suggest you look at team settings and you personally can tell who is able to join. like people have to request to join the team
I have my team set as private already and people have to request to join. However non-team members were able to see the Lobby and type in the chat without joining the tournament.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I was able to report/delete the comments on the chat and then completely disable the chat during the tournament. However the wandering inappropriate name was spectating and their name would pop-up on the bottom left.

Maybe 'KID MODE' would prevent seeing any usernames of spectators?
Created :

Currently you need to set an entry code for private chat.

>However the wandering inappropriate name was spectating and their name would pop-up on the bottom left.
Maybe 'KID MODE' would prevent seeing any usernames of spectators?

It's hard to prevent usernames for showing up, it's why lichess are rather strict with them. Maybe this is still worth a separate issue through. It being a part of KID mode does sound reasonable

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