
Please add Arenas with increment

I'd be really happy to see arena tourneys with 5+3, 10+5 and 15+10 time controls.
The argument is often made that majority of players prefer no increment arena. That's fine, I accept this, but why should the minority interests be neglected? It can't be that difficult technically. Just add them please and let people choose in what tourneys to play.
@uri65 said in #1:

> I'd be really happy to see arena tourneys with 5+3, 10+5 and 15+10 time controls.
For 5+3 I suggest you to play the Bundesliga:

> The argument is often made that majority of players prefer no increment arena. That's fine, I accept this, but why should the minority interests be neglected? It can't be that difficult technically. Just add them please and let people choose in what tourneys to play.

It's easily technically possible for sure, that's not the problem. First of all, I agree that minority interests shouldn't be generally neglected, but sometimes decisions have to be made that cannot meet any player's preferences. The more tournaments we have here, the less players every single tournament has. Therefore, it's not just about "neglecting" the minority, but a somewhat economic decision to ensure that the tournaments are still fun - not really the case or at least very rare if there are only 5 players in every tournament.
@loepare said in #2:
> The more tournaments we have here, the less players every single tournament has. Therefore, it's not just about "neglecting" the minority, but a somewhat economic decision to ensure that the tournaments are still fun - not really the case or at least very rare if there are only 5 players in every tournament.

Daily 10+0 arena typically has more than 1000 players, if 10% switch to 10+5 it will be hardly noticeable.
@uri65 said in #5:
> Bother to explain?

Unlike swiss its a tournament style where number of games played matters, and having an opponent play 500 moves in a locked up position that would easily draw complicates matters. It would create too big a disparity of games played per person, especially in faster time controls. Anyway just my thoughts.
@BlotterFan said in #6:
> Unlike swiss its a tournament style where number of games played matters, and having an opponent play 500 moves in a locked up position that would easily draw complicates matters. It would create too big a disparity of games played per person, especially in faster time controls. Anyway just my thoughts.

Have you seen many 500 move games? Stalling the game in a dead-drawn position goes against the interest of both players, so I don't see why it would happen more often in arena that in other type of competition. Sorry, so far you've failed to convince that it's a stupid idea.

Here are other threads asking for the same:

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