
Display rating of streamers

Hello Lichess admins,

It would be great if the rating of streamers could be displayed in the web interface.
Another improvement would be to for Lichess members to thumb-up the quality of the streams (to boost the ones that are great, and ignore the others featuring average players playing silently with lame background music).
Dear @cycofredo,

thank you much for your suggestion.
Displaying the account name on page might be very useful indeed, that one can hover with the mouse from there and see the relevant data quicker.

As for the community-voting on the quality of the streams I have to disagree - the feature might get abused/misused and would require additional moderation resources to sort those things out.
Somehow it reminds me of the follower count which was visibly displayed on each profile - when people were trading "follow for follow" or organized tournaments where top ranked players got additional followers - and those were given from several alternative, throwaway accounts.

Disclaimer: writing here on my own, it does not mirror the opinion of our mod team.
Thank you FunkMaus !

You indeed have a lot more of experience in Lichess feature abuse than i do :-)
Some people are twisted it seems...

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