
Feature Proposal: Fishnet analysis profile counter

I just started contributing some processor time for the fishnet game analysis and thought it would be fun to have a counter in your profile on the number of games analyzed, or maybe a badge for some number of analyzed games. It seems to me that it could be a motivator to contribute your CPU.
@Jcolemang I do agree! Having an option where you could see how many games you have analyzed would be cool. However, the problem, that's preventing lichess from doing so, may be the fact that people would start bragging in the forums.
@CreativeThinking I agree that that could be annoying although I'd say that that logic would also apply to any public rating system or badge. I guess that the difference is that this is a chess website and not a distributed compute website, but I do think that the barrier of entry of going through github, installing python, getting a private api key, and letting stockfish run wild with your CPU would keep that from becoming too much of an issue
Maybe a private rating system would be nice. It would incentivize you to keep helping lichess, but nobody else can see your score so it wouldn't promote gaming the system (as others can't see your score). Since others wouldn't be able to see your rating, it would be harder to actually brag about it
I don't know that I would want a rating in that I don't know that it would make sense to compete, even if that competition were private. I'm more thinking something comparable to the wings for contributing money except in this case it is contributing CPU. After the 8 hours since the original post I feel less convinced that a counter would even be necessary, the number of games analyzed is more just something I'm personally curious about.

EDIT: Maybe it would even make sense to make CPU contribution a path to the lichess wings
Probably running a command (from the client side) for fishnet would give us the number of games our machines have analyzed under the private key that was provided to us? That would be awesome!
The same pattern could apply also to translators, but I see that It is better to keep those translation on a high level instead of people doing shitty translations just to gain karma, points or whatever.
@MadNutella I agree that I think that keeping a public rating (or karma, points or whatever) would be silly although I think a difference between translators and fishnet is you would have to deliberately sabotage fishnet to run it badly. Even if you were just running stockfish for clout you're still just running stockfish which is the whole point. Like I said in #6 I don't think gamifying it to the point of a rating would make sense, but I do think that something like a badge could help push down the peak queued requests shown here by giving some small incentive to run fishnet. I definitely think it is worth running just for the sake of keeping lichess running, but if amount of available compute power is an issue I think it is worth considering
I would love to analysis my own games now it's become limited.
The code could be altered just a bit, so we could just enter the game number. Get analysis done.

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