
Tournments disapear in view Team

Hello the list of tournments atre disapear in the Team view
There is an explaination ?
I've had a similar issue just now. They were visible at 7:00 pm GMT + 1
thanks, but with this I don't see the tournaments of my team. And that is what I want to see.

The tournament Header only appears if you have upcoming tournaments
Otherwise if the list is empty, it is not displayed and it's not possible to consult the old tournaments of the team

Thanks for your help

Thank you for the explanation.
It does make it easier for members to see upcoming tournaments
I do think it would be clearer if the Tournaments header always appeared even if there are no future tournaments.
Also ideally I think it would help members if a completed tournament remained on the list for a day or so. After leaving an inter team battle last night I found I had no link to return and check the results later until I had added a new team tournament.
Hi - thx for the above comments - for me , it would be great to have both a "Future Tournaments" tab and a "Previous Tournaments" tab - thx,Keith
Thanks for answer. Tournaments are only visible when the team leader, or one of the team leaders , already joined it. But what, when the team leaders don't want to join tournament? E.g. if it's only for special members of the team?

You come to all old tournaments with the tournaments button, but you do see this button only when there is a new tournament in the future. I made a new tournament for next Friday and joined it, now it's visible.
Surely this will soon be fixed

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