
Puzzle Cheaters

When I was solving puzzles, I just wanted to study the game on the blue link but there is an analyzer which I saw, so there might be some people who uses it. I think Lichess should make it so that people have to solve the puzzle before they can click on the blue link to the game
about that, you don't learn if you do that, so the only thing you are doing is cheating yourself.
Puzzle rating counts for nothing as there are no leaderboards, rankings, or trophies. There's no competition in it, it's a learning tool. Hence cheating in puzzles is not a concern to us.
I had around 2500 (fairly) then I switched to app and after only one puzzle I fell to 2200 due to bug. I got mad and lowered my rating to 1700. I am still mad.
At least you're a CM (that's a really good rank) , if there wasn't the bug, you would probably be 2650 already.
I must admit I didn't realise you could look at the analysis without "losing" the puzzle in the process.

It's a bit disheartening to know that, somehow.

My puzzle rating is pretty high, and that's entirely due to the value of the puzzles in forcing me to think for the answer. I don't have much time to devote to playing, so puzzles are very useful and enjoyable to me because each takes just a little time or(if interruptions happen) I can come back to it as soon as I am able, with no consequence. Obviously there's nothing to stop me continuing to do just that, but somehow a little of the feeling of personal achievement just disappeared.

Ah well. As problems go, it's not a biggie, is it?

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