
Climate Change Essay #1

@LordSupremeChess said in #38:
> All but two are not environmentally-friendly.
So what you're saying is "fuck racial and gender equality if it doesn't lower global warming"?

God damn.
@clousems said in #41:
> So what you're saying is "fuck racial and gender equality if it doesn't lower global warming"?
> God damn.
I never said that...
I haven't read, but I've liked, disliked, thought it was funny, thinking, horsey and love to you.
Just a question here, guys ... since I'm not a climatologist or anything ...

Hasn't the earth been warming up since the glaciers melted ?

Just wondering is all ...

I haven't listened to this yet but thought you might be interested since you're really into the topic lordsupremechess (or others). It's from a couple years ago. they usually have a variety of very informative guests
@clousems said in #19:
> Infrastructure. We don't have the infrastructure to abandon fossil fuels. People would die of cold and starvation. Economic turmoil would ensue. The Mexicans would subjugate us following a brief conflict which would be known as "the Battle of Buena Vista part II"

So here you have abandoned your trust in the Industrial Revolution?

@clousems said in #37:

> Yes, Greenzo, all that is thanks to the Industrial Revolution.

And here you have embraced it? Infrastructures can be built, right?
@lilyhollow said in #45:

> I haven't listened to this yet but thought you might be interested since you're really into the topic lordsupremechess (or others). It's from a couple years ago. they usually have a variety of very informative guests

It's amazing that they keep having these meetings. Why should they pretend twenty-plus times over that they're going to do something that matters when it's obvious to everyone else in the room that they aren't?
Not sure I abandoned my trust in the Industrial Revolution at any point .

I interpreted the essay to have called for an immediate stop to the use of fossil fuels,
@boilingFrog The only people that won’t acknowledge that the earth has been warming since the ice age started to end are those shrills screaming ‘climate emergency’.. who miss the real agenda.. who fail to see they’re all being conned.. who want us all to eat plants and insects , live in caves bla bla bla... and drive these worthless battery operated disasters with batteries that can never be disposed of.. it’s all bollocks but the brainwashing continues.

I guess the reason none of them are protesting in China is because they’re worried their peers will make them outcasts for their global carbon footprint getting there, whilst conveniently overlooking their anti capitalist goddess flies everywhere to lecture them on not flying.. it’s hilarious.

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