
Happy Pride Month!!

@Zinner_Override said in #34:
> I wasn't quite in track of who said what, but what would be wrong about that, when a bunch of other days too exists for similar reasons, eg Father's Day and Mother's day? Teacher's Day and Christmas?

First off, being a mother/father or a teacher is actually a choice, being of any sexual orientation is not. Furthermore, being a parent of a child takes effort, being of a certain sexual orientation does not. To be proud of some achievement one spent effort for is one thing, being proud of some physical trait is ridiculous. I am 193cm tall. Shouldn't there be a "tall people pride day" where i am celebrated for being taller than others?

Second: if you want to celebrate something you are just born with: how about a "blue-eyes-pride day"? A "proud-to-be-lefthanded-day"? And how would you feel about people celebrating the fact they are of white race? Wait a moment, I think they exist: they are called the Ku-Klux-Klan.
what is with all these homophobes? love is love, a girl liking a girl or a boy liking a boy is the same thing as a girl liking a boy. love is the most beautiful thing in the world, do you really have the right to discriminate who someone decides to direct it towards? and same thing with genders! who cares is a boy wants to be a girl? who cares if a girl wants to be a boy? who cares if someone wants to be pansexual? they have every right! i personally have a transgender friend and she is the most amazing person i have ever met. she said that before she transitioned to a girl, it felt like she was suffocated and was always holding her breath. what kind of monster would you be to force someone to feel that way? i ask all of you against lgbtq+ to seriously rethink what you have said. what you are saying to this community is just cruel and insensitive.
@obladie said in #15:
> Ironic that a section of society that worked so hard for so long to be accepted as part of general society and just blend in now works so hard to get special treatment.
> Am I missing something?

What is the special treatment? A month of the year being nicknamed after their movement? How about all the discrimination and hate and threats and violence they receive just for being what they are?
A special treatment would be less taxes than heterosexuals or a pass to skip the queue at the supermarket. Instead, the special treatment that I see is that some countries have special laws which say that if you kill a homosexual person you've done nothing wrong. In other countries, like mine for example, there is no aggravating charge for homophobia, while there is for misogyny and racism.
@EmY48 said in #40:
> Sorry, I do not understand the word fruity.
it means being part of lgbtq+ lol, sorry for the confusion :)
@Nomen-Nonatur said in #42:
> First off, being a mother/father or a teacher is actually a choice, being of any sexual orientation is not. Furthermore, being a parent of a child takes effort, being of a certain sexual orientation does not. To be proud of some achievement one spent effort for is one thing, being proud of some physical trait is ridiculous. I am 193cm tall. Shouldn't there be a "tall people pride day" where i am celebrated for being taller than others?
Hmm interesting. But its got some history of its own, right? Like dark history. And the movements, like the one mentioned in #43. Would it deserve recognition? Like the other stuff you mentioned doesn't seem to have much problems about disrespected dignity which deserves to be defended.
Its also not a physical trait, gay people and men seems to be physically identical. I kinda liked your analogy in #30 about it being just it, though I don't think it's physical.
The amount of homophobic comments on here disgusts me. Is spreading hate to a harmless group of people something to be proud of?
@SANTNED said in #46:
> Go homophobes.
> Anyone else here to say the word tranies pannysexual idiots.
> Oh where's the ban, oh gays are gay.
> Lesbians are weird, why not just like your opposite gender.
> You can control love.
> It is embarrising that people are having some sex with the same gender, calling themselves "GeNdEr FlUiD"
> ONLY TWO GENDERS- Male and female

You are literally giving 'yass queen' vibes girl, it's okay to be gay, we accept you
@SANTNED said in #45:
> This guy is an atheist, and he is the dumbest person in my school.
I think pretending to be his friend just because you aren't able to get real friends make you even dumber.

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