
Feature request: Download current board as a .png image file

Including all colored arrows, and the user's current theming.

This would really help when writing articles and saving positions to look at offline :)
That is a workaround, yes, but it becomes a long process to screenshot and crop images when you are making a lot of diagrams.
I suggest Greenshot as a screenshotting tool , it makes the whole process way easier. You can configure it to select regions instead of the whole screen on keypress and you can edit/save the screenshot in place. There is also a "last region" function, which might help if you make lots of screenshots from one game in a row.
Thanks, I'll try to find a linux equivalent. That would help a lot.

I still think this would be a nice feature, especially if the user can choose the dimensions of the image to download.
I'd have to research myself, but under Linux, there's most probably some tool (ImageMagick maybe?) which allows you to specify the exact onscreen location/dimension on the command line. With some more scripting magic you might be able to automate this even more on a single keypress. (date/time, automatic sequencing, etc.)
On windows you have the built in tool called "snipping tool" which basically allows you to drag a box and capture only a certain area. This tool is very useful for things like this.

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