
Suggestion: "notes" function at the corresp analysis board

Hello, dear lichess!

I searched for this topic, but didn't find anything, so here goes.

I have a question/suggestion. Is there any particular reason why notes are unavailable at the analysis board in correspondence chess? That's the most logical place where you'd want to take notes, right? Because you need to remember the lines you've analyzed. To exclude the lines that don't work once and for all, or to come back to studying the lines you're not sure about.

Instead, we have to switch back and forth between the analysis board and the actual game board to take notes, which means losing all analysis every time, and it's kinda annoying tbh.

Also, the conditional premoves feature is great, but why not make a way to just save the analysis lines just for oneself to look over at a later time? Without worrying that you might make an automatic move and enter a line you're not sure about? Wouldn't it be great to be able to see all the lines you've analyzed and chose to save to come back to them? It seems really useful, when you're taking many days to decide on a move...

But I'm thinking that lichess would have probably done this already, so there must be a reason why it's not there (no notes and no saving lines on the analysis board). Is it for some reason considedered like borderline cheating or something? Even though I don't really see why...

Anyway, thanks lichess! You're always the best ;)
Huh, I never noticed that notes aren't displayed in the correspondence game analysis view, and it sounds useful to see them in both perspectives.
Yes! I haven't been noticing for two years as well =) Until I found myself in a really tough game recently and realized that i need to try to analyse super deep, and be methodical about it so i don't have to double and triple check the lines i've already confirmed as bad. But no notes!

And please guys, think about the feature to keep analysis saved. It would be amazing!

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