
Correspondance 2 games against same opponent possible?

Not that i want to do that, but one game from an initial position has been stuck in the big ether, after opponent acceptance, and then my fist move. no clocks, see previous bug post. here is different focus.

I kept the buggy game going to give Lichess a live specimen, and then not really thinking (i have to keep some of that for games), i went on proposing another board editor borne game with FEN brought back to turn0.

sent request. no reply. then i wondered, if there was an active mechanism prevent two games with same pair, ongoing in parallel.

in this case, it was one buggy one stuck between turns, and a request without reply. don't think it is intended, although my third
attempts with same continuation, and same bug, could be tiring. I don't think it was. so i ask.

i bet it is allowed, but just in case. i thought of asking.

sorry for the bug specimen, i did believe at some point that i could not play anymore while already playing a game, be it a zombie one. Really, no game is immune to their influence....
It is definitely allowed. I used to routinely play two games against the same opponent, one as each color.

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