
Some problems with Study

Hi there,

I use the Lichess Study for teaching purposes and but i'm facing a problem recently :
Everyday, some of the stuff I write in my study just randomly disappear (comments and variations) and I cannot find the reason (we are only 2 contributors and I talked to my friend to be sure he did not make any mistakes and deleted some stuff which is not the case).
I cannot find the reason and it's kind of problematic for me.

Can someone give me help to fix this ?
Thanks for your answer @TBest but this is not exactly my problem.

It's not a long message befoire the first move which get deleted, but random comments and randoms variations at differents moments of the game.
Hmm... I've been having the same problem. About a week ago I created a forum post describing that annotations I made, mainly arrows, were getting deleted seemingly randomly, with no rhyme or reason to it, but nobody else seemed to share the problem. Since then, comments have started disappearing for me as well. I've seen this problem of disappearing comments in another forum thread,, so it seems like this is happening to quite a number of people.

I'm curious, are you also experiencing random arrows getting deleted, or is it just comments? And what do you mean by variations getting deleted?
I only use arrows during the lessons but then I delete them so I dont know if arrows could also disappear.

Most of the time, when there is a problem on the site, Lichess is pretty quick to fix it / inform users about the process and for this problem I can not find any statement.

Are they aware of this problem ? Are they trying to fix it ?
I see. Yeah, I'm not sure if Lichess is aware of this problem. I hope it gets resolved soon though, as I'm finding studies virtually unusable with this issue.
I too have been having this problem with my recently created studies.
Talked with someone from the Lichess Staff on their discord :

He asked me if I could find a way to "recreate" the bug because it would help him to investigate so for all the people who got this problem : be carefull in the next days about your study and try to see some "pattern" in the bug.

Then we could just give him more informations to solve this.
Ok I have a test study that I've been using and I have found a very clear pattern. First of all, comments and arrows getting deleted almost always coincide, which makes me think they are part of the same problem. Although sometimes one can disappear without the other. But the especially important pattern is that the comments and arrows that get deleted always occur after a branching move. In other words, only when you reach a position that has multiple moves explored in the study, will one of those moves have a possibility of getting its comment deleted. This may be why some people haven't encountered this problem, is because a lot of people create studies for their games, and only analyze and leave comments on the moves played during that game, exploring little to no other branching paths. To test this, I took one of my games and put it into the study, commenting every move. After refreshing a number of times, even closing Lichess and going back in, all the comments stayed. However, once I created a branching path by exploring down a line not already in the study, and went to refresh, I found one of my comments was deleted, and it just so happened to be on one of the branching moves. If you try and reproduce this bug, I would recommend using a study with a lot of branching paths, as that seems to be a major theme.

However, I'm still not sure what actually causes the comments to disappear. It doesn't happen every time, only sometimes. I found it happens the most when actually changing something in the study, like moves or comments, and then refreshing. I have found one pattern here though. In one of my larger test studies, with many branching paths, I commented every move so it had 31 moves and 31 comments. Upon refreshing, the number of comments went down to 28, so I inexplicably lost 3 comments. But upon continuing refreshing, no more comments were lost, it stayed at 28. I finally fixed the missing comments back to 31, and after refreshing again, it went down to 26. Continued refreshes brought the count down no further. It seems as if actually fixing the missing comments is what triggers more comments to be lost again, as opposed to comments being lost at random each and every time a refresh occurs.

This is such a strange bug. I don't think it is the same bug listed earlier in this thread as the solution talks about it having to do with the REC button being pressed. I never turn off the REC button, nor did I press it in my testing, and comments still got deleted. If anyone has more info on this, please share.

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