
Opponents should not be allow to claim victory if a forced mate is on the board.

Mate in 1 and I lose connection.
Opponent was able to claim victory,

Rare, but not the first time.

This would require computer monitoring of every game, and if implemented, would stretch to mate in 2, 3, 10, 20, who knows how far. That would be very resource intensive, and impractical.
Yeah, it is too bad you lost but just because there is a mate in whatever doesn't mean the player can see that or would move that way. I have missed mate in one a bunch of times.

it's sad, really, but it happends.
On a side note; You shouldn't make that many mistakes in a classical at 1700-1800.
That would still leave open the question of whether "Claim Victory" should be enabled in positions where the opponent might flag:
You may disconnect for the rest of the game, and if you are playing a longer time control then your opponent may need to wait for a very long time for you to run out of time if you disconnect. Also you may fail to see the mate in one or some number of moves, and it may be arbitrary to decide how easy the mate would be to spot.
C'mon, it's timed and rated chess games. What happen in a live chess game if you get up from your chair and leave the room while your time is expiring? You lose, no matter what. Right so.
@Mark_Iorio sadly there is a difference. You don’t just vanish in & out of reality ehile playing chess.
Lovlas beat me to it. Although I was going to say a stroke. Same principle. If their gone their gone.

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