
Feature request: Zen mode in puzzle racer

i have been playing on puzzle racer and the cars just distract me. can you please add zen mode in puzzle racer?

1) Install uBlock Origin extension in your browser
2) Press on the uBlock Origin button and choose Element Zapper (for one-time removal -> refreshing returns it to normal) or Element Picker (for always, you can disable it in uBlock settings under "My filters")
3) Choose the element of the webpage you want to remove, in this case the cars Short video I quickly found on youtube which explains how you do it
#5 @cFlour
For Element Zapper you can just refresh the page.
Element Picker makes a filter which can be found under "My filters" in uBlock settings. You can delete the filter there or disable your own filters altogether:

Then make sure to press "Apply changes".
Just cut your screen man, is not that complex (?

Just kidding, I agree with you.

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