
Incorrect puzzle

@Qveen_Sacrifice Well, moving the king just leads to Qxh7# immediately, and there's only one other legal move... So it's definitely not the king move.
@alt-nemo :-)
@TPP-Social, Stockfish says it's game over: white king can't take the bishop and can't move at all, so it's checkmate! Stockfish went crazy!
@Gogland The pawn can take. If we're talking about the same puzzle, you need your Stockfish checked. ;)
@Gogland Just says game over by insufficient material here on Lichess for me, and running locally, SF 11, just says Kxb1 with a dead even eval, then when I capture, it declares the insufficient material. I mean, it's obviously not checkmate. Just a check, where the king could capture or run around the board because a checkmate with a lone bishop and king against a king isn't going to happen. Kings move and capture one square in any of the 8 directions. That bishop is one square away and there are no other impeding pieces. I'm not sure what's wrong with your browser.
@Gogland + means check # means checkmate. It says game over because checkmate can't be delivered due to insufficient material. That's what you're seeing. It's a draw. Lichess just ends the game due to insufficient material before the capture because it doesn't matter.
My mistake on that previous puzzle but it's still weird.

Shouldn't try solving when I'm tired, lol

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