
What is the meaning of OVERHEAD?

What is the meaning of OVERHEAD?
Dont use Translate, If you are from UK or US or really now english, tell.
It depends on the context.
If you mean it in a context similar to "a bird flew overhead" or "overhead luggage" it simply means above head-level.
In a business setting, overhead refers to indirect costs which are incurred by the operation of the business.
Presumably, it would be to move something above one's head
A move described as overhead could mean that it is a move that you are not able to comprehend or is beyond your grasp.
"Move Overhead" is the assumed delay, in milliseconds, due to network overhead/lag. Setting a higher value for your chess program can help avoid clock flags, especially if you don't have great internet connection.

Of course, there are many other definitions of "Move Overhead", such as the one @clousems provided :)
It can confer that something you have heard or read, which you do not understand...goes right over your head. You just don't get it. :]

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