
Stoopid Forums

Ppl ask me why u post stoopid stuff in da forums and make stoopid forums (like dis one: My answer is this, Stoopid ppl have stoopid ideas, and stoopid thoughts. They then act on their stoopid ideas and make stoopid forums. What sur fav food, uh food. Lichess or *Eye roll* So ye I also have stoopid ideas and stoopid thoughts but at least I have interesting stoopid ideas and interesting stoopid thoughts. I also make some what not really stoopid interesting forums. yerp i said stoopid a lot *eye roll* Lichess keeps giving me warnings about being chat banned *Sighhhhhhhh* Make interesting forums ppl.

1. stop asking stoopid questions you can just look up on the internet
2. stop repeating forums
3. no 1 cares ur bored
4. How come no one ever talks about new movies or tv shows that would be good forums (community discussion about idk squid game)

Im not calling anyone stoopid btw (maybe idk) (im not)
youre the one usually posting stoopid forums...
One thing, don't you think posting in forums is more fun than searching the answers up? Like what can a wormhole in space do, how can you travel in time? Instead of searching it up, you can post it in a forum and have a collaborative discussion. What do you think?
@eclipsR said in #2:
> youre the one usually posting stoopid forums...

oh ye at least there more interesting then wats ur fav foood ummm food
I don't understand why I create this forum, just ignore them.

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