
Temporary move storage.

Is there any way to disable this new feature? I get this message at the bottom of my analysis screen:

"Temporary move storage. We're always storing your variations in your browser cache. For safekeeping and sharing, consider making a study. Study. Clear moves."

It shows me the analysis board as I was last looking at it, which I've normally moved on from. Is there anyway to revert it back to how it was before?
Click on "Clear moves" when you're moving on and it will clear the analysis.
@bufferunderrun said in #2:
> Click on "Clear moves" when you're moving on and it will clear the analysis.

That only clears it the one time, I would really prefer that it doesn't ever store every random position I look at, ie the way it used to work. Is there anyway to do that?
This feature messes up opening a FEN position via URL - it just shows previous position for whatever is stored in storage.

This needs to be fixed or removed, disabling it would be great too
Lame. Devs need to let players permanently opt out of automatic recording of alternative line exploration. I felt like I was being treated by a marketing campaign for Study tools. I know how to start a study. I don't need to be herded into it like a cow.
Have you considered making a study? You should totally do that, man. It's what everyone wants for you.

About the FEN import, yeah that's a bug. FEN or PGN import should just blow local moves away on analysis board. In earlier versions, the feature was controlled by a switch and only available in correspondence and post-game analysis.

Log something in github if you hate this new feature - it's tough to justify a revert based on same day reactions with a few thumbs up in the feedback forum.
<Comment deleted by user>
You seem dismissive because I also pointed out some awkward text. Now without sarcasm I fully appreciate that the main sponsors of lichess are the devs who use it to practice coding. Cash donors would otherwise hardly be able to afford their attention. But it would be bad practice to ignore the Forum. We're like the customers. I've also noticed some page crashes when exploring new lines. But my main issue is still the lack of an opt out. Crashes are obvious. Poor style can linger. For example: Would you like a cookie?

Since you asked, years ago I posted a study called Locked Up. It continues after the played game to solve the puzzle of how to break out.
@schlawg said in #7:
> @flatlander
> Have you considered making a study? You should totally do that, man. It's what everyone wants for you.

I've made lots of studies and they're super useful. When I'm analyzing a throw away position I use the analysis board so it's annoying to have these positions come back when I'm trying to look at something new.

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