
New! Public chat room on homepage

Many of you asked for it, so here you go, you can discuss while searching for a game on

It's very new so there are probably some glitch I'll be fixing during the next days. Let me know if you find something.
Nice addon! One thing though that makes it kinda difficult to use is the chat bot, constantly spamming about new games. Would be nice to have it somehow separated. Just my 2c :)
Yeah, agreed. I think I will move the bot messages to the bottom of the screen, just under the board.
would like it to not show the game just by hovering over their name, maybe only show the game they're playing if you click their name

Is this chat still working?

I can't find it in the home page. Maybe some menu I don't know of?

No. It was a moderation hell back then with 200 players online.

I don't even want to start thinking what it would be now with 27,000.

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