
Lichess should create lots of cat and kitten style Bots

Hi all

I really like "Puss in Boots" from Shrek and was thinking that lichess should create a range of cat or kitten Bots (chess engines) some of them in boots but some others in other funny dress styles. Of course not too similar to "Puss in boots" from Shrek but you get the idea.

Also we could get script writers to make random comments on all sorts of moves like for example on capture moves, the bot could say :

"I am eating your pawn"

Maybe for a blockaded IQP it could say , "You have no place to run, mouse!"

If you take too long for a move, it could say "Meowww... "

etc. I think also then we could encourage streamers and Youtubers to play these cat-themed bots, because cats really go down well on Youtube - imaging all the Youtube thumbnails playing cats and kittens - I think this would appeal to the newer generations who have very limited attention span.

Generally, I think this would really help bring chess to the masses

Feedback welcome from all
Interestingly, only kids with limited attention span form most of the playerbase.
Epic strategy, I guess.
@Kingscrusher-YouTube said in #1:
> Hi all
> I really like "Puss in Boots" from Shrek and was thinking that lichess should create a range of cat or kitten Bots (chess engines) some of them in boots but some others in other funny dress styles. Of course not too similar to "Puss in boots" from Shrek but you get the idea.
> Also we could get script writers to make random comments on all sorts of moves like for example on capture moves, the bot could say :
> "I am eating your pawn"
> Maybe for a blockaded IQP it could say , "You have no place to run, mouse!"
> If you take too long for a move, it could say "Meowww... "
> etc. I think also then we could encourage streamers and Youtubers to play these cat-themed bots, because cats really go down well on Youtube - imaging all the Youtube thumbnails playing cats and kittens - I think this would appeal to the newer generations who have very limited attention span.
> Generally, I think this would really help bring chess to the masses
> Feedback welcome from all
> :)

chesscom already did this :)
<Comment deleted by user>
The solution is to be totally original and use doggos instead:

"You played THAT move?! you must be barking mad."
"Oof, that was a ruff blunder!"
"Let me give you a few pointers hoho."

and so on.
Honestly this is a ludicrous request... What's the point? Will it make your chess better? ...
@king-Monti said in #8:
> Honestly this is a ludicrous request... What's the point? Will it make your chess better? ...

Maybe if there are gains sometimes to be made by playing against Bots more regularly than one would otherwise. I have the same kind of experience when playing on the 3 minute with 2 second time control - often massicistic but probably beneficial. I usually like non-increment but the increment games have often far greater accuracy.

I think the bots are very strong, so having good script writers with a sense of humour will encourage more players to play such fun bots even if they are Stockfish in disguise- and even if they get completely crushed, at least there were some laughs along the way.

Currently I don't like the idea of playing raw Stockfish. On the other hand, there would be some fun to be had to seeing at least what the script writers say on certain moves whilst being crushed by Stockfish in disguise. The idea of playing against customised bots goes years back. This is not an original idea. I remember having a very popular Youtube video here:

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