
flipping board

while I play ,the board flipping alone often,
so I lose time flipping that back manually . It is a Bug from your end or someone is messing with me ,would you please fix that otherwise it is almost impossible to play on your great site
Thanks Kamran Shirazi
You must be not playing on your phone :D I do and I've never had your problem
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@KamranShirazi said in #1:
> while I play ,the board flipping alone often,
> so I lose time flipping that back manually . It is a Bug from your end or someone is messing with me ,would you please fix that otherwise it is almost impossible to play on your great site
> Thanks Kamran Shirazi

Help me understand if you are playing in Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, some other browser, the iOS app, or the Android app. I don't know why the board would flip...
I play in Chrome, also I get the impression someone comes to the game and do that repeatedly Thank you
@ KamranShirazi said in #5:
> I play in Chrome, also I get the impression someone comes to the game and do that repeatedly Thank you
Do you accidentally hit the "f"-key? Otherwise I don't know why the board would flip...

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