
20 Middlegame Principles

742 • ayoCHILLBRO •
  1. Chapter 0: Introduction
  2. Chapter 1: Making a plan
  3. Chapter 2: Activate your pieces
  4. Chapter 3: Taking advantage of open files
  1. ayoCHILLBRO
  2. Yyoushee

WIN with the Ruy Lopez!

310 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. How to Study this Study
  3. Section 1: Closed Mainlines
  4. 9...Na5 Chigorin with 11...Qc7
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

The ONLY Opening you need as Black!

278 • MSHARK19 •
  1. Intro
  2. Basic Ideas
  3. What happens if white pushes e5 anyway?
  4. Completing Mission 1
  1. MSHARK19

1.d4 Repertoire for White

58 • TribuneDrive •
  1. Topic 1, 2 and 3
  2. QGD Exchange Variation
  3. QGD 3...Be7
  4. QGA Greed Punished
  1. TribuneDrive

How To Deal With Early Gambits And Attacks In Chess

159 • ilovechess16 •
  1. Introduction
  2. -White Attacks-
  3. Scholar's Mate
  4. Grob Gambit
  1. ilovechess16
  2. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  3. Bosburp

The London System

627 • Sohan_Munnangi5 •
  1. Intro
  2. Main Line
  3. 2.Bf5 Line
  4. King's Indian Defense Line
  1. Sohan_Munnangi5

Best chess games of all time

36 • Bobby223 •
  1. Kasparov, G. - Topalov, V.
  2. Paul Morphy - Duke Karl / Count Isouard
  3. Levon Aronian - Viswanathan Anand
  4. Donald Byrne - Robert James Fischer
  1. argaladriel
  2. Bobby223

Grunfeld Defense Repertoire

618 • IndianDefense •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Exchange Variation
  3. The Exchange Variation, 7. Bc4
  4. The Exchange Variation, 7. Nf3
  1. IndianDefense

Playing the Scotch Gambit

20 • lexychess96 •
  1. What is the Scotch Gambit?
  2. 4...Bc5 with 5.Ng5 - Super Aggressive!
  3. 4...Bc5 with 5.0-0 - Solid and Safe
  4. 4...Bc5 with 5.c3 dxc3 - Incorrect capture for Black
  1. lexychess96

CRUSH the Caro-Kann

18 • Gormity_1 •
  1. How we can crush the Caro-Kann: 4 Knights Attack
  2. Tartakower Smothered Mate Trap
  3. Tartakower Variation
  4. NO my queen! [trap with mate for white]
  1. Gormity_1

Do not capture that pawn!

64 • WFM fla2021 •
  1. Intro
  2. Example # 1
  3. Example # 2
  1. WFM fla2021

The ONLY opening YOU NEED as White

19 • Bobby223 •
  1. Instuction to QG
  2. Training the previous Chapter's moves
  3. Queens Gambit Accepted
  4. Training the previous Chapter's moves
  1. Bobby223

One Opening for EVERYTHING!

22 • MSHARK19 •
  1. Intro
  2. Basic Ideas
  3. What if Black plays Bd6?
  4. What if Black plays c5 immediately?
  1. MSHARK19

French Defence- Completed guide-

17 • Bobby223 •
  1. French Instruction
  2. French Defence - 3. Bd3 -
  3. French Defence - 3. Nd2 -
  4. French Defence - 3. Nc3 -
  1. Bobby223

Ultimate Opening Traps (Clean Version)

69 • TribuneDrive •
  1. Giuoco Piano Trap (GPT)
  2. Fried Liver Trap (FLT)
  3. Tricky Traxler Trap (TTT)
  4. Ruy Lopez Trap (RLT)
  1. TribuneDrive
  2. bOTmaKEr12

Strange Openings

11 • MiladLouak0 •
  1. The strange line in the Liardet
  2. The strange line in the Polish
  3. The strange line in the open defense
  4. The strange line in the 1.a4 opening
  1. MiladLouak0