FM Haykk_Yeritsyan Lichess coach picture

FM Hayk Yeritsyan

“When you see a good move, look for a better one.” – Emanuel Lasker

Location Armenia
LanguagesEnglish (US), Հայերեն
RatingFIDE: 2291285226092714
Hourly rate1hour-20€ e-mail whatsapp +37477988999
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

Hello! I am FM Hayk Yeritsyan from Armenia
As a chess coach, I encourage my students to believe in themselves, and I gain a sense of achievement from seeing my students succeed. I always try to make my lessons practical and provide individualized instruction to each student. I strongly believe that success is the combination of hard work, dedication, perseverance, and consistency! As Emanuel Lasker once said, «When you see a good move, look for a better one.»
Let’s find all the good moves together!

Teaching experience

Study and Practice Consistently: Chess is a game that requires constant study and practice to improve. Set aside regular time for studying chess theory, practicing tactics, and playing games.
Analyze Your Games: After each game, take the time to analyze it thoroughly. Look for mistakes and missed opportunities, and try to understand why they happened. This will help you identify areas of weakness and work on them.
Play Against Stronger Players: Playing against stronger opponents is a great way to challenge yourself and learn from their mistakes. Join a chess club or find online communities where you can play against stronger opponents.
Learn the Endgame: The endgame is often neglected by beginner and intermediate players, but it is a critical part of chess. Study and practice endgame positions to improve your ability to convert winning positions into victories.
Stay Calm and Focused: Learning to stay calm and focused under pressure is key to success. Practice techniques like deep breathing and visualization to help manage your emotions during games.

Other experiences

I have a very positive and friendly attitude, and put a lot of energy into every session. My main goal is to see happy students and to help players achieve their goals, whether that be a rating increase, a norm, or a championship win.

Best skills

I will help you with:

Building up a solid opening repertoire according to your style.
Improving your tactical vision and calculation methods and eliminating blunders.
Improving your positional play. You will never be left clueless about what to do in different positions.
Improving your endgame techniques.

Teaching methodology

I want to share my deep passion for chess with all those I teach and in the process inscribe a love for the game that should be nurtured in each student.

Chess like all art forms depends on the individual who will have unique characteristics that make them special. Each chess player has their own sets of strengths and weaknesses that will dictate the structure of thier training. A bespoke tailored approach that caters to the needs of the student is worked into each session with the goal of honing in on what ever the specific developmental needs are. This training avenue works well since when certain domains improve, there is scope to branch off into new uncharted territory where learning is constant and uninterrupted.

There are no shortcuts or magical recipes to chess mastery, instead an enjoyable journey of self-learning and revelation await those who wish to embark on the path of chess education. Not only do I wish to enrich your understanding of where the pieces belong, but want to celebrate each landmark of improvement with you..