CM Arimin Lichess coach picture

CM Aaron Matthes

Work beats talent!

Location Germany
LanguagesDeutsch, English (US)
Hourly rate25€ for individual lessons, 35€ for 2 people, groups 40€ for 60 minutes - first lesson for free
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am Aaron Matthes, 21 years old and rated around 2200 FIDE. At the moment I am studying math and history to become a teacher.

Playing experience

I play chess since 2016 with some success. I participated in the German Championship 2021 and won some local tournaments, including finishing ahead of grandmasters. My own goal is to become grandmaster in the near future.

Teaching experience

Usually I teach groups but I have also teached in individual lessons and started in 2020 with that. I have also experience in being a second for someone at a tournament, preparing against the opponent of my student.

Other experiences

I am becoming a teacher after studying at a university where I learn a lot about behavior and psychology, especially for young people.

Best skills

My openings are often my best part of the game. I love to study them and find ideas on my own to surprise people. For teaching I think that I am a good at breaking down complicated things to a understandable level.

Teaching methodology

In my view hard work is the only way to become good at chess. Therefore I see my role in guiding your way, providing material if needed and give strategies on how to tackle your difficulties. Obviously I help you in explaining positions and give you explanations when you need them :)

I think there is not much talent needed and that everyone can become very good at chess with the right amount of work and dedication to the game.