
Karolina Żebrowska


StrategyAnalysisOff topic
Love & Marriage is synonymous with children of divorce. Let's explore some of the cause and effects of this cycle of many bad statistics.

...8 years ago we agreed IF we would become together that 5 years is appropriate time to season newlyweds before having children to make certain of the first relationship before initiating, electing, and introducing another. 'Together before Forever': That's what we said; And I am 99.99% certain of us, just as I am 99.99% certain that you are confident and feel just as strongly as I do the same as for so much as us. This is 'The real thing'. Because our terms are the deepest part of each of us and this is a plan that will work. We can't be moved by whims of fanciful romance, passion or clever guile or the allure of promise or advancement...

We are ready and the last five years might as well have been five minutes . . .but we forgot to make an indestructible dark prison of isolation and despair for our children to weep alone bitterly in everlasting contempt, shame, hopelessness, and chains in fire.