
Research: What rating do you need to have in a bullet to become a grandmaster?

ChessChess PersonalitiesTournamentOff topicAnalysis
You will learn what rating you need to have in order to get the title.

I decided to find out what are the ratings of players with the title of grandmaster. Also, I found out what rating players with other ranks have. I have studied the last 3 arena titles in a bullet. I decided to count the average rating per player with the rank. More than 1500 players were included in the study.
The results of the study:
GM - 2806
IM - 2644
FM - 2522
CM - 2342
*This is just an average rating, it does not mean that if you have this rating, you will have this title.
The same study will be conducted in other controls.
More of the same and other stats on the team: Statistics