

How to get better at bullet!

Hello friends, in this blog I will give you a few tips to improve your bullet rating.

1: Premove.

In fast games, it is a good idea to premove, but the problem is that you will have no idea of what your opponent will do! Luckily I have a solution for you: Premove only in trading, if your opponent accepts your trade, you will be able to save a lot of time!

2: Do not resign!!!

Do not resign it bullet chess. Anything can happen in fast games! Just because you are losing a game, that doesn't mean that you resign. As there is a lot of time pressure your opponent may even run out of time. So do not resign!

3: Create checkmate threats!

In fast games, always look for checkmate threats and see if you can create one. Who knows, maybe your opponent will be in so much pressure on time that he may not even realize that he hung mate in one. So do create threats.

I hope you enjoyed the blog!!!

Thank you!!!