
Disabling Followers

Off topic
Ok, this is my first time making a blog, so please ignore how bad I am at formatting these.

So, the follower thing in peoples' profiles have been disabled. Quite a few people so far have been complaining about it, and they weren't happy.

But I think this is a good idea, and I'll show you why with a few reasons.
I'm glad to see that[username]/followers doesn't even work anymore.

1. Since the follower option has been disabled, your followers are invisible. This is actually a really good thing because I've seen people asking for followers and constantly worrying about their number of followers, even though this is a CHESS site. So since they can't see how many followers they have, they won't have to worry about it, and can focus on playing chess. You can still follow people to see their activity which is nice.

2. People won't create spam topics like "plz follow me". This is kind of like a second part for reason 1. I don't think anybody wants to count how many topics are like that. It will save sooo much space and it will maybe keep the forums a little cleaner.

3. People won't give follows in exchange for them joining a team or something like that. Since you can't see how many followers your profile has, there is no need to join someone's team and try to increase your followers. I actually got this reason from @The_Chess_Star_100 so thx to them.

I bet there are many other pros to removing this, but these are the only ones I can think of. I love that the lichess devs are constantly trying to improve the site and solve some problems.

I hope you enjoyed my first blog, and hope you have a great day!