

Weirdest Idea in the Study

Hello, if you have found this post, welcome to the creative world of chess. its just an entertaining study i would like to share with you guys.if you think you are a good solver then you should definitely try.

Let's start with our study. I will give you the initial position, and let's try to decode it.Studies are always white to play
As you can see, this is our initial position. If you have spent at least 15 minutes thinking, you can continue reading.
First question first, how should you start thinking?
You need to understand the position first. What is happening? Collect all the ideas and consider who is playing for what. In the position above, it seems both players are trying to queen. There are ideas like giving up material just to make a queen, or Black can give up some material to promote those pawns, as they would be stronger than the rook and the knight if they are not coordinating. So, we have the idea of either pushing the pawns quickly and getting the rook for it or stopping those queenside pawns somehow. Ideally, we should start with the first idea because it seems more logical.
Now, let's pause and use our imagination. What is Black going to play, Kh3 and g2, right?
Try to think about where you can put your knight and rook to stop those pawns, which you can easily figure out is impossible. Alternatively, you could also think about some checking ideas. If you have found it, then bravo!

And if you haven't guessed the idea, here's the final solution
final solution:
I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you.