
Transposing to Real Life.

How do we apply to real life the teachings of chess?

Here, some people would just give up, because they have blundered the Rook in the beginning of the game. Instead of focusing on the blunder, I've decided to focus on the possibilities of victory. What could I do to win? Are there any chances? Can I win? So, it turns out that chess is so rich and complex, that we can't find a negative and definitive answer to this question. We can't see the end, we don't know if we are defeated or not. So it's worth giving a shot, playing hard, to be able to win.

I fought until the end.

I know that it is a bullet game (2+1), but a lot of player would give up, just because they've lost the rook.

Mistakes happens, but what's the most important is what you're gonna do with them. Are you gonna say to everyone that you're a retarded person, or are you going to fight to win, even after doing a ridiculous mistake?

I did not win money, rewards, anything, for that game. But, maybe, I've won some wisdom, that I can apply to my life, if I remember that.

Focus on what you can do, instead of becoming negative and focusing on your mistakes.

Focus on winning, what you can do to win...

That's it!