
FIDE Rating increments effective from 1 March 2024

Your Minimum rating will be 1400 since March 1st 2024

Within the realm of competitive chess, the FIDE Rating Margin holds significant importance as it delineates a crucial threshold that impacts players' recognition and standing within the global chess community. Implemented as part of the FIDE Rating Regulations effective from March 1, 2024, this margin delineates the minimum rating requirement for inclusion in official FIDE Rating Lists. Let's delve deeper into its significance

  • On the first day of each month, FIDE prepares a comprehensive list that incorporates all rated play during the rating period into the previous list, employing the rating system formula for accuracy. The rating period, during which a certain rating list is valid, is essential for maintaining up-to-date player standings. For players with a rating of at least 1400 as of the current list, various data including FIDE title, Federation, Current Rating, ID Number, Number of games rated in the period, Year of Birth, Gender, and the current value of K are published, providing valuable insights into their performance and standing within the chess community.

  • For new players joining the list, a minimum threshold of five games against rated opponents is required for their initial rating to be published. These games may be accumulated from various tournaments played within consecutive rating periods not exceeding 26 months. Importantly, the initial rating must meet or exceed 1400 to be included in the list, reflecting FIDE's commitment to maintaining a standard of competitiveness and skill.

  • Players whose ratings fall below the 1400 mark are designated as unrated on the subsequent list, undergoing the same treatment as any other unrated player. Conversely, players listed as active are those who have participated in at least one rated game within a one-year period. This distinction acknowledges the continuous engagement and involvement of active players within the chess community, ensuring their representation and recognition in the monthly lists.

    K the development coefficient rules will be applied as follows

  • K = 40 for a player new to the rating list until they have completed events with at least 30 games.
    K = 20 as long as a player's rating remains under 2400.
    K = 10 once a player's published rating has reached 2400 and remains at that level subsequently, even if the rating drops below 2400.
    K = 40 for all players until the end of the year of their 18th birthday, as long as their rating remains under 2300.
    If the number of games (n) for a player on any list for a rating period multiplied by K (as defined above) exceeds 700, then K shall be the largest whole number such that K x n does not exceed 700.

  • Check your current rating here :

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