
Starting Position of traxler counter attack

Traxler Counter Attack Part 1

Hello everybody, I Tigerthinksbad is going to share you a series of the opening ,Traxler Counter-Attack. This opening may not be so good in the 2000 FIDE rating level but could be dangerous especially if you have prepared and studied it carefully. It starts when white goes for Fried Liver attack and black boldly plays Bc5.

After e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 Bc5 :

The opening arises after e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 Bc4 Nf6 Ng5 Bc5 and now black goes for Nxf7. Here we will play the bishop sacrifice with Bxf2+. In the up coming parts we will analyse the move Kxf2.

The move Kxf2 is not so good nor bad but we will see how we can take advantage. Now as black you can't loose time as your queen's under attack. So we will immediately play Nxe4+. Now white has six options (e1,e2,e3,f1,f3 and g1) . In this part we are going to analyse the worst move for white that is, Ke1 and how you can completely destroy your opponent.

After Ke1 we play Qh4+

Now if Kf1 Qf2 is mate

If Ke2 then Qf2+ Kd3 Nc5+ Kc3 Qd4 is mate

If g3 then we play Nxg3. Now if white plays Nxh8 then we can mate him by Ne4+ Ke2 Qf2+ Kd3 Nc5+ Kc3 Qd4 mate

So white will have to play hxg3. After that you can play Qxh1+. If Ke2 Nd4+ wins the white queen.

So after Qxh1+ white will be forced to play Bf1 and now you can simply castle and just look at this ,our queen is attacking ,our rook has also joined the attack and our king is absolutely safe.

White cannot move the knight because Qxf1 is mate

The best move after castling for white is Qe2 Nd4 Qg2 . Now the engine recommends Qh5 but I say we play Qxg2 Bxg2 Nxc2+ Kd1 Nxa1 Bd5 Rxf7 Bxf7+ Kxf7. Now we are up up by three pawns and an exchange (the knight in the corner would be lost after b3 and Bb2) so you are absolutely winning.

By the way if instead of Bd5 if white plays Nxe5 then we have d6 and after the knight moves we have Bg4+ and the knight can escape or even mate the white king

One thing more I want to show you that instead of Qg2 what if white plays something like Qxe5 we have Nf3 forking the couple

Or if Qc4 d5 Qd3 Rxf7 winning

Here is a question for you:-
Why was black able to destroy white so easily??
Answer in the comments.

Thanks for reading this blog. Stay tuned for part 2.
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