
A trick to get better at chess!


Hi! It's me, TigerChocolateCone, I'm just here to share a trick I find really useful to help me improve my chess. And that trick is.... puzzles! I know, you're probably gonna just click off right now. There's a pretty big chance you've already tried doing puzzles to get better, but this is different. The difference is how much you do. Usually when I'm feeling super up to study some chess, I'll do as many as 50 puzzles per day. I suggest at least 20 puzzles per day. Choose the right level setting for you and then start your puzzles! Quick note: If you're starting to feel burnt out, don't feel obliged to have to get to 20 puzzles or more. Take a break and come back when you're ready to go again. Also you can pick what kind of puzzles you want to do. Take a look at the topics and pick one that you think you need some work on. Healthy Mix (does anyone else think that sounds like a trail mix or granola or something??) setting is also good, because the next puzzle could be any topic, anything could be happening in the game, just like a real chess game.

Ok, so that's pretty much it! I hope this helps you improve your chess skills!