
Bots on lichess. Easy and tough ways.

Chess botLichessChess engineChess

Hi! There are two ways:1st way: (The tougher way, but you can have your own brain) (This process might even take years)To create a BOT, the first and foremost thing is that you should learn coding (I recommend you start with python or C). Then after you learn programming, you should develop the brain of your BOT in the language you wish. An example brain is Lc0, Stockfish etc. Then you have to interface your BOT's brain using the following links: and You will have to create a new account and then interface it with lichess. You can check this link to learn more about chess programming: Remeber that this process is long and you will need a lot of coding skills, but this will help you to make a powerful BOT like the Lc0 and Stockfish and you become a coding genius .You can even borrow some codes from other BOTS (If they are open source) For instance: Lc0's codes: (the codes are not given completely as someone can copy the codes)2nd way: (The hypereasy or easychess way) (This way is short and easy, but you won't get good coding skills and such skills, you can only get a BOT)You have to first create a empty lichess account. Then you will have to go to this link: and make your BOT.In conclusion, I recommend you to go with the first way. Although it is a lot of work, it proves very rewarding. You can even create BOTS stronger than Stockfish, Lc0 through hardwork... If any further clarifications, PM me! Hope it helps and best of luck :)

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